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Candida Detox – The natural way to fight Candida

Candida albicans is one of several yeasts that live in your digestive tract. It normally exists in low amounts along with millions of bacteria that maintain normal intestinal function. Under certain conditions, Candida can multiply out of control and cause distressing symptoms. A Candida detox is an excellent natural method to cleanse your system and bring it back into balance.

What causes Candida?

When the critical balance of Candida to bacteria in your body is upset, Candida can gain the upper hand. This overgrowth can be responsible for numerous symptoms that involve more than just the digestive tract, but can be treated with a Candida detox. The balance between yeast and bacteria can be upset as a result of:

  • Immune dysfunction or disease.
  • Discomfort in the ratio of good to bad bacteria in the GI tract
  • Change in intestinal pH.

Several factors can cause immune dysfunction:

  • Medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone, birth control pills, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Toxic metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, and aluminum
  • Stress and excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugar

 How does Candida cause damage?

Candida yeast adheres to the walls of the digestive tract. Under certain conditions, it can develop into a fungal state and put out filament-like roots deep in the intestinal lining. The fungus releases toxins that enter the bloodstream causing symptoms in other organs and tissues. So, in addition to the intestinal symptoms of gas, bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, food intolerance and indigestion, you may have other symptoms such as asthma, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, brain fog, chemical sensitivity, muscle pain or discomfort and feeling general poor health The good news is that all of these symptoms can go away when you get your candida back under control with a Candida detox.

 How to do a Candida detox:

There are several Candida detox recipes, but one of the best is a mixture of bentonite clay powder, psyllium husk powder, and liquid caprylic acid. The symptoms of death are greatly minimized with the use of this cleanse.

  • Psyllium husk powder is a fiber that acts like a kind of soft scrub brush. Increases the volume of feces facilitating elimination. Use approximately 1 teaspoon to 8 oz. of pure water for each cleaning.
  • Bentonite, as a finely ground powder or liquid, attracts toxins and adsorbs them, preventing them from entering the body. It can help prevent the symptoms of Candida releasing toxins as it dies. Use 1-2 tbsp.
  • Caprylic acid, a natural antifungal, is a fatty acid obtained from coconut. In capsule form, it would be absorbed at the top of the digestive system before it had a chance to reach the parts of the intestines where it is needed, which is why the liquid form is preferred. Liquid caprylic acid is held in the gel formed from the psyllium and water and is believed to disperse throughout the digestive tract. Add 1 teaspoon – 1 tablespoon to the psyllium-bentonite mixture and shake well in a covered container and drink immediately.
  • Probiotics are an essential part of a Candida detox to repopulate the gut with good bacteria that keep yeast in check. Look for a high potency dairy free one with multiple strains of bacteria.

candida detox diet

For the Candida detox to be effective you must also do the anti-Candida diet. Sugar feeds yeast, so it’s probably the most important thing to exclude, as are products that contain it. In fact, it is good to avoid all refined carbohydrates such as white flour products. In many cases, it is helpful to exclude gluten-containing products, such as bread and pasta, as well as dairy products. Even the sugar in milk, lactose, seems to feed the yeast.

Some people with Candida overgrowth become sensitive to other yeasts and do better by excluding yeast products. All meat must be free-range or organic to avoid the residue of antibiotics and hormones that some intensively farmed animals contain. The best foods to eat are fresh and natural. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, especially green ones.

Use the Candida detox protocol once or twice a day for 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the severity of your problem. It will help you overcome Candida. It is always best to get the advice of a healthcare professional who understands the problem and has a good track record of helping people who suffer from Candida overgrowth.

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