
Build a Strong Christian Marriage – 3 Steps to Married Happiness

Building a strong Christian marriage is vital for Christian couples. The act of getting married carries with it the responsibility of not only maintaining, but continually building a strong bond between them.

There will be difficulties, challenges and debates. If you have spent time building a strong bond, then these situations will be very easy to handle. If you have neglected building your link, then these issues will be difficult.

Don’t just “go through the motions.” This is very common and at some point we all fall into phases where “we’re just going through the motions”. Our work lives become hectic, church activities become plentiful, and everyday things arise that can lead to a robotic routine and a “through the motions” type of marriage.

It’s okay to have stretches like this when they become unavoidable, but the key is to recognize when they happen and recover as quickly as possible. Marital happiness largely depends on our ability to bounce back quickly when challenges come our way.

Here are 3 steps to take that will ensure you are building a loving, strong, Christian-based marriage.:

1. Christianity as a couple. Study the Bible, pray and attend Church as a couple. In order for your Christian marriage bond to be as strong as possible, you really need to incorporate the approach of practicing Christianity as a couple. Read the Bible together. Pray together. Wait for the church together. These should be cement cornerstones in your marriage. It will solidify your bond and you will grow stronger together.

2. Make decisions and act together. To build a strong Christian marriage bond, you must make decisions together and then take action together. Even if the issue primarily concerns one of you, you should communicate the decision together and act together. That means showing up together and establishing a strong front for whatever your action is taking. A Christian marriage should be based on strong communication and companionship. where both implement decisions and actions together.

3. Celebrate your intimacy. You must give great importance to making love in a Christian marriage. Make sure you both experience a high level of pleasure and pay attention to each other’s needs. Making love should be seen as a high-level celebration of intimacy that focuses on the incredible togetherness you have and God’s gift of celebrating that togetherness through intimate means. Be romantic, be sensual, and be a strong and wonderful lover to your spouse.

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