
Bed Bugs and Travel: How to Protect Your Home

One of the possible problems that you can bring home after a trip is insects. Many people will wonder how this is possible. Well, you usually can’t get them while traveling, but when you’re sleeping in a hotel, they might fit in your luggage. Knowing this, we have decided to discuss how you can avoid bringing insects home after a trip in the next few paragraphs. It is always good to prevent these errors, so let’s see what we can do about it.

The first thing you have to do when you get to your hotel room is take your luggage to the bathroom or leave it in your car if possible. The fact is that many people make the mistake of unpacking without first checking the room or putting the luggage on the bed and then doing the inspection. Insects can get into your things. When you enter the room, check if hygiene is at proper levels. After that, do a visual check for bed bug tracks around beds, sofas, and other furniture in the room. If you notice even a trace of bed bugs, ask for another room. And inspect that room too. It’s good to know that bugs are present in well-known hotels and not just cheap motels.

Having inspected the room, you can unpack. However, do not leave your things on the bed or sofa. Use a table instead. Always carry your things in suitcases, avoid using cloth bags. You can also use bags, which can be tightly closed with a zipper or with a locking system. If you use bags, make sure they can be washed in hot water, as it kills the bugs effectively.

If you haven’t had a problem with bugs and you’re on your way home, your bed bug prevention job isn’t over. You have to check your things before you bring them because the bed bugs are already in your bags. This will help you avoid a bed bug infestation in your home and possible insect bites. Just wash all your stuff in hot water, and if there were any bugs, you can be sure it will get rid of them.

Another helpful tip is to search the internet and see if anyone has had a bed bug problem at the hotel you plan to stay at. After doing that, all we can say is: have a safe trip!

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