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Bariatric Surgery Can Help You Get Off Insulin Long-Term

One of the cardinal consequences or associations of obesity is type 2 diabetes mellitus. These are the result of a decreased sensitivity of the body’s cells to the effects of insulin, which is known as increased resistance of the cells of the body. body to insulin. Over time, it leads to a decrease in the production of insulin by the cells of the pancreas.

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic condition, characterized by a high level of glucose in the blood. It is due to an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin and is associated with defects in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Diabetes Mellitus is a progressive disease with long-term complications. Management includes lifestyle modifications, diet, oral hypoglycemic agents, and insulin modalities.

It has been found that people with diabetes who were overweight or obese and had undergone bariatric surgery for weight loss also noted, in addition to achieving weight loss, better blood glucose control and over time they no longer required insulin to manage their condition. . It was even noted that many had gone into remission.

It is a surgical procedure that uses bariatric techniques such as ileal interposition and transit bipartition. These methods are very effective in achieving rapid weight loss in obese people and help improve other metabolic conditions such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. These benefits have led to it being called metabolic surgery, diabetes surgery, or weight loss surgery.

The effect of modifying metabolic conditions while achieving weight loss is highly beneficial in helping previously overweight diabetics to wean off insulin and achieve long-term remission. Some research studies have reported that up to 80% of obese diabetics who underwent bariatric remission achieved a decade. The exact mechanism to explain this phenomenon has not been exactly identified; however, there are many explanations for how this occurs. Some of these include

• Effect of this surgery on the hormones produced in the intestine. Bariatric surgery affects the level of certain intestinal hormones. These play a role in increasing insulin secretion, increasing the sensitivity of the body’s cells to insulin, and increasing satiety with smaller meals, which decreases caloric intake.

• Achieving rapid weight loss leads to decreased resistance and increased sensitivity of the body’s cells to the effects of insulin, which drives glucose into cells.

These help people with diabetes better regulate their blood glucose levels and eventually decrease insulin dependency and eventually come off insulin long-term. This can lead to clinical remission of the disease.

This effect of helping diabetics wean off insulin long-term makes bariatric surgery an effective treatment option for obese people who are also diabetic. It is a good idea to contact your doctor today to find out whether or not you meet the criteria for this surgery and which option is best for you.

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