
Baby stroller buying guide

Types of baby strollers

Besides the family car, the first vehicle your child will spend any time in is their baby carriage. This makes her baby’s stroller a very important item, and as time goes by and her child grows, she may need more than one.

Your baby’s safety and comfort are the two most important things to consider when choosing a baby stroller. However, you should also keep yourself in mind. After all, you are the one who will be lifting, carrying and pushing the stroller. So look for the type of stroller that will make your life easier.

standard strollers

This type of baby stroller is available in different styles, colors, and designs. They usually have padded seats for comfort that also recline. Most of these strollers come with under seat storage and many have an umbrella. Seats can vary from forward-facing to rear-facing, and some may have the option of doing both. Prices for these types of strollers can range from the very affordable $50.00 to well over $1000.00 for high-end models with many features.

car seat strollers

Somewhat similar to standard strollers, these models consist of a “basic” lightweight frame that allows you to attach a car seat. Simply remove your car seat (with baby inside) from the base inside your car and attach to the stroller frame. This is a good option for parents who know they will be taking their baby in or out of the car often. They fold up easily and take up very little space, but are only practical for babies up to six months or one year old. After that, your baby will be too big to safely use one of these strollers.

baby stroller combinations

Travel System Strollers

These are package deals that typically consist of a larger, heavier standard stroller and a matching car seat and base. They cost more than a car seat carrier, but the quality is better and they can be used longer. This is possible because it is not necessary to place the car seat in the stroller.

Combined strollers

Very similar to travel system strollers, these stroller packs resemble “cribs on wheels.” Similar in style to the classic English pram, the bassinet function allows you to have your baby lying down. There are many variations with the combination strollers. Some come with removable seats to accommodate the bassinet feature and some can accept a car seat as well. Quite often though, you have to purchase the car seat, base, and/or adapter separately. Although it can be used longer and in more ways, a mixed configuration is more expensive

lightweight baby stroller

Best suited for older babies and toddlers due to the lack of head support and the ability to fully recline, the Lightweight Umbrella Stroller is a simple and straightforward stroller. They weigh between 10 and 12 pounds, fold easily, and take up very little space when folded. They are less expensive than other models and are often used as back-up strollers for travel.

The classic baby carriage

This type of baby carriage is reminiscent of the traditional English carriage. They offer a wide, flat lying surface for your baby. The classic-style pram or pram often has large-spoked wheels with inflatable tires that can actually be removed for maintenance. These strollers are suitable for all babies from birth to three years.

Quite stylish, the English pram style baby carriage is usually very expensive with premium features. Although you can find some lower-priced versions for less than $100.00, expect to pay anywhere from $300.00 to $1800.00 for a higher-end stroller.

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