Real Estate

5 Reasons Real Estate Agents Should Recognize Fair Market Value

Given that, for most people, the value of their home represents their largest financial asset, wouldn’t it make sense and be beneficial, when the time comes, to try to sell it, hire a real estate agent, who understands? local market and can you realistically assess fair market value? For a variety of reasons, many homeowners have an unrealistic view of what their home is truly worth and, when a home is listed, at an unrealistically high price, rather than doing it correctly, from the start, for It usually hurts the ending. – results! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 reasons real estate agents should correctly recognize and consider fair market value when suggesting prices.

1. Manage expectations: Because the process of marketing and selling a home is more fluid, when the agent and the client are on the same page and working together, with true teamwork, it is important for the agent to hire, to manage their expectations, realistically. . , by, telling him, what you need to know, not just what you want to hear (MT).

two. Initial list price, in the correct range: Avoid the mistake of emotionally and uninformedly determining and setting your home’s initial listing price, but do so based on a professionally prepared Competitive Market Analysis, or CMA. This should direct you, to the best range, to the list, your home.

3. Know advantages and disadvantages: The agent you are looking for must know and understand the local market and how your property compares to others listed for sale on the real estate market! It requires better knowledge and understanding of, and clearly explained to you, comparable strengths and weaknesses, compared to others. Take the time and make the effort to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages that can make a difference.

Four. Evaluate possible offers: Hire an agent who is able to objectively assess potential offers and suggest whether you could be better off by accepting or rejecting one and/or offering a counter offer!

5. Close the right deals: There are smart and right deals and some that may not be right for your specific home! The initial competitive market analysis should help guide you, so that you know when and where any specific offer may fall, within a specific range! Once, it makes sense, your agent’s effectiveness should help close the right deal.

Pay attention and make selling your home less stressful and more profitable! Will you be prepared and hire the best agent for your needs and purposes?

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