
New Nike Huarache basketball shoes

What was once old is new again. I love that expression. It perfectly describes what our society considers “popular”. Popular culture in the United States of America seems to be very cyclical. Do you want an example? The soundtrack of every movie I’ve seen in the last 5 years contains songs from the 80’s. Want […]


Why is health insurance so expensive?

The price of health insurance or insurance in general is best understood by breaking it down into the various components of an insurer’s business model, how insurers view us in terms of profit or loss. This article is primarily for educational purposes, but can also serve as a way for us as consumers to accurately […]


History of the Hybrid Car

Some people believe that hybrid vehicles began in the early 20th century. In fact, hybrid vehicles have been around longer than you think. The beginning of hybrid technology was believed to be in 1665, when Ferdinand Veriest and the Jesuit priest began working on a plan to create a simple four-wheeled vehicle that could be […]

Digital Marketing

3 ways to make money with your podcast

How would you like to make money from your podcast? If you are doing podcasts, the potential to generate income from your podcast is an added benefit to you as a podcaster. As a podcaster, you don’t have to worry about huge overheads and the income generated through your podcast will be mostly profit. There […]