Lifestyle Fashion

Tragus and anti-tragus piercings

Tragus and anti-tragus piercings are becoming more and more popular; in fact, tragus piercings are now one of the most common ear piercings. Ear piercings are the most familiar form of body piercing and the tragus and anti-tragus are fresh expressions of worldly earlobe piercings. The tragus is a small, thick piece of cartilage that […]

Lifestyle Fashion

When sexual abuse looms it’s ugly

Sexual abuse and future sexuality Sexual abuse is the gift that keeps giving. A person caught in the trap of keeping their sexual abuse a secret out of fear or because they are being manipulated by their abuser will, out of necessity, begin to turn off their emotions. One way to turn off emotions is […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Natural cure for yeast infection – certain foods

A total natural cure for yeast infection can be Candida desensitization injections. They are used by alternative practitioners and can help select patients. Candida syndrome is related to perhaps thousands of different fungi or strains of Candida, and the injections may not be specific enough for many victims of fungal infections or hypersensitivity. Scientific documentation […]