Legal Law

Be careful what you say about your product’s features and benefits – don’t get caught by the feds

In 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revised its guides governing endorsements and testimonials for merchants. The timing of the revision is noteworthy: the previous guidelines date back to 1980, before anyone even heard of the Internet, let alone Facebook. Your online marketing might have the best intentions, but the feds could flag any overselling […]

Legal Law

7 Weird And Hilarious Courses Available In Virtual Universities And Schools

During our college years, we must take certain classes to graduate, such as a foreign language, math and/or science, and English. For many, these can be overwhelmingly boring or tediously difficult. Fortunately, many virtual universities and schools have started offering more interesting classes. The following are 7 of them: 1. The vampire in literature and […]