
6 Ways Great Leaders Evaluate Budget Spending!

After more than four decades of personal involvement, in almost everything related to leadership, from identification and qualification, to training, development and consulting of thousands of real and / or potential leaders, I have reached a strong point I think leaders need to take budgets and the budget process more seriously! Very few of these […]


A strategic approach to online marketing

Digital marketing is about creating real-time connections and marketing with real human beings who are inspired to take action through the value and stories a brand offers. A well thought out digital marketing strategy helps a business formulate an action plan and make the right decisions necessary to be successful online; It is important to […]


Einstein – Definition of Insanity

Madness in the signage and graphics industry Definition of Einstein Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to the way you run your business? Have you been […]


For investors, return follows perception of risk

Soon: You are interested in knowing the investor’s conditions for a loan. Why can’t they give you details, just general guidelines for interest rates, time period, and conditions or other ‘terms’. It’s about your perception of risk. You are interested in getting an investor commitment so you can create the great business you’ve dreamed of. […]