Digital Marketing

5 tips to reduce overfitting

Over-optimization (overfitting) is the biggest threat to AOS strategies and also a subject of endless discussions that have no simple, general solution. In today’s article, I would like to share with you 5 tips, how I myself try to minimize the danger of overfitting. 1. Build your systems using 40-50% of all historical data available […]

Health Fitness

Calorie count while having sex

By having sex for about half an hour, classic sex burns as many calories as a regular pizza contains. If you ate a hamburger or a packet of fries, it takes 53 minutes of French kissing to burn it off. For men, to lose eight calories, you can try to remove the partner’s bra with […]

Legal Law

Advantages and disadvantages of Facebook

When MySpace arrived at the Internet’s doorstep, millions were excited to have a place where they could share and connect with their friends. Facebook came on the scene and slowly began to steal market share from MySpace. Today, the MySpace market is declining and Facebook is making new highs in traffic and user numbers. However, […]


Amber – Composition and Uses

Amber is known by many other names throughout the world due to its popularity and medicinal values ​​in the alternative medicine system. It is known as: English: Ambergris, Arabic: Ashab/ Ambar, Chinese: Lung yen hsiang, French: Ambre, German: die Ambra, Hindi: Amber, Persian: Shah Boo, Urdu: Ambar, Latin: ambra grasea Amber is a morbid excretion […]