Tours Travel

Where do wrinkles come from?

Several months ago, I had two cataracts removed from my eyes. How they got there, I don’t know. From what I remember, they never asked my permission, and they never paid rent just to be there.

According to the eye doctor, and doctors are never wrong, I now have the vision of 2020. I have never had such a vision since I was ten years old.

All I really need now are reading glasses and my vision is pretty good.

That sounds like a good thing on the surface, but everything good has a little dark corner tucked away somewhere.

The good thing is that I can see excellently.

The downside is that I can see excellently.

I didn’t quite understand this until recently it came out.

Usually when I go to the bathroom in the morning to get ready for the day, I don’t wear my glasses. Before my cataract surgery, everything was blurry and I was used to that. Isn’t it funny how you get used to some things and then you don’t notice them?

Now my vision is so good that when I go to the bathroom in the morning to get ready for the day, I have perfect vision in the mirror.

If that’s not scary, then you haven’t looked in my mirror on a given morning. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s Frankenstein’s grandson.

What surprised me so much was that as I was looking at my face to get ready to shave, I noticed some things that I had never noticed before. Those things were “wrinkles”.

I have noticed these things in other people, like the one who lives in the same house as me. But I have never noticed it in myself. But there they were. There they were in all their disgusting glory.

Not only did he have a wrinkle, but for some reason, that wrinkle brought his entire family with it. And to make matters worse, the first wrinkle never asked permission to settle on my face.

But there they were, and I was looking at them for the first time.

I don’t know the true purpose of wrinkles or where they come from or where I can send them.

I have a relative, who will remain anonymous, who deals with wrinkles all the time. He has had so many plastic surgeries that it is difficult to recognize who he really is. Reminds me of Joan Rivers.

I’ve always played jokes on him. When he saw her, he would look at her face and say, “Is that a new wrinkle on your face?”

I would laugh and she would laugh, but her laugh was not as genuine as mine. In a few moments, it would be gone, and I never knew where it went, except that I suspected I was looking at the new wrinkle in the bathroom mirror.

The next time I saw her, that wrinkle was gone.

Have you ever noticed that things always come back to you when you try to pull them to someone else? I thought about calling her and asking her opinion on what I should do about my wrinkles. I knew that if I did I couldn’t stop laughing, so I’m not going in that direction.

But what are wrinkles really good for? What is the purpose of a wrinkle? And where did they come from? And do I need to wear a mask?

Due to my confusion in this area, I thought I might risk asking the Gracious Parish House Mistress about my wrinkles.

I cautiously approached her and said, “I discovered that I have some wrinkles on my face and I don’t know where they come from. Do you know what I can do?”

Obviously, he thought he was joking because he couldn’t make her stop laughing.

When she finally calmed down, she said, “You’ve had wrinkles for as long as I can remember.” Then he laughed again.

When she calmed down again, she said, “The purpose of wrinkles is to keep track of your age. Each wrinkle represents a certain age in your life.” Then he burst out laughing again. Obviously this is fun for him.

The next time I was in front of the mirror, I looked carefully at my wrinkles and tried to count them. If what you say is true, I must be 397 years old.

I came out of the bathroom with a very bitter scowl on my face, and when my wife looked at me once again she burst into hilarious laughter. I’m glad you think it’s funny!

I’m not sure what to do with my wrinkles, but I’m not going to have plastic surgery.

I need to accept things as they are and not allow something as silly as a wrinkle to define who I am. If I do that, I will never get to any kind of reality about myself. I’m surely not my wrinkle.

As I thought about this, I remembered a verse from the Bible. “Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; Make your way straight before me” (Psalm 5: 8).

My face has more important things to do than worry about wrinkles. I need to trust the Lord each day to bring to my face the path He wants me to take for His glory.

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