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Trends in Plastic Surgery 2017: Seven Cosmetic Procedures to Follow

While many plastic surgery procedures are mainstays, new techniques and technologies are also creating an increase in new types of surgery to improve appearance. These seven trends in cosmetic surgery are expected to rise in popularity throughout 2017 and beyond.

1. Special services for transgender patients
As more Americans come out as transgender, industry experts expect plastic surgery to increase among this population. In particular, practices are introducing specially designed procedural packages to make masculine faces appear more feminine and vice versa.

Although this non-surgical procedure to improve the profile by reducing the appearance of fat in the chin and neck area has been approved by the FDA since 2015, it is expected to continue its rise in the coming years. Kybella is an injectable medication that destroys fat cells in the “double chin” area, making them unable to store fat and creating a smoother, more youthful jawline. Reports show that this procedure increased by 18 percent in the US in 2016 alone.

3. Designer Fills
Scientists continue to develop facial fillers that address specific problems, allowing patients to achieve their aesthetic goals without invasive procedures. Examples include Juvederm, which is used to create fuller lips and smooth fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds, as well as Restylane, which is used to restore facial volume and provide detailed shaping for a more youthful appearance. and fresh. While the effects of most fillers last around four months, newly introduced products are expected to last six to eight months or even longer.

4. Neck lift and face lift
Classic procedures such as neck lifts and face lifts are making a comeback in popularity, a phenomenon many experts attribute to the prevalence of taking and sending “selfies.” Modern techniques tighten the muscles and tissue of the face and neck to achieve a smoother, more contoured profile. In some cases, these procedures are combined with minimally invasive techniques such as fillers.

5. Surgical dimpling
This relatively new procedure, known as a dimplectomy, creates dimples through an incision inside the cheek. Since this facial feature is associated with a cute, friendly, and youthful appearance, it’s no wonder this trend is expected to explode in 2017.

6. Procedures for Men
More men than ever have sought plastic surgery services, with the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery noting a 43 percent increase between 2014 and 2015. Experts attribute this trend to the desire to succeed in the workplace and the availability of subtle, minimally invasive procedures that can sometimes even be performed during your lunch hour.

7. Nose reshaping
As the third most popular cosmetic surgery overall (after breast augmentation and liposuction), nose reshaping continues to be one of the top trends for 2017. Rhinoplasty has been perfected over the last few decades and now provides more customizable results. and natural looking. In addition to cosmetic changes, nose reshaping can also create functional changes for people with sinus problems and allergies.

One thing is for sure: Regardless of a patient’s aesthetic goals, they have more options than ever when it comes to safe, effective, and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery.

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