
Tips on how to protect yourself and laser cutting machines

A laser machine is powerful and of great importance in the metal industry. To protect yourself and the machine, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind. Here are some of the things to do:

Protect your eyes

It is impossible to see the CO2 laser with the naked eye, but the rays can burn your retinas in a fraction of a second if they are reflected in your eyes. To protect yourself, buy CO2 laser safety glasses.

Clean the machine

Many people do not clean their machines, which is very bad. Dirty waste bins, dust collectors, processing areas, and ducts pose a termite hazard. Termite is a mixture of aluminum and an oxide of another metal. When turned on, it produces high temperatures that cause damage to your equipment.

A dirty machine is also ugly and ineffective.

You should get rid of debris, grease, dust, and grime as soon as you are done with your work. You can clean the machine yourself or hire a cleaning contractor to do it for you.

Be careful what you cut

In addition to metal, you can also cut wood, cardboard and acrylic without damaging the machine or posing any danger. You should avoid cutting anything that contains chlorine, vinyl, and PVC. It is also recommended to avoid cutting glass.

The reason for this is that some materials can start a fire or emit fumes that can damage it. Other materials such as glass reflect the rays and damage your machine.

DSP controller

Laser machines come with software programs that allow you to control the machine. Unfortunately, not everyone is smart enough to use the programs. If you are one of the people who has trouble using the programs, you should consider purchasing a DSP controller.

A DSP controller is a tool that gives you the freedom to choose the software you want to use, so you don’t have to feel stuck with a program that you don’t like or find difficult to use.


These are some of the things you must do to keep yourself and the machine safe. In order for your laser machine to provide you with the service you need for a long time, you need to purchase a high-quality machine. This requires you to do your research and find a reliable store in your area.

It is also recommended that you hire a laser machine technician to periodically inspect and repair the machine when necessary.

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