Health Fitness

Salt and sodium: are they the same?

Salt, some of us like the taste, some of us can’t stand it, but whether we like it or not it is necessary in your daily intake. But how much do you need?

The amount of salt you eat will vary depending on your physical activity, as well as other factors. Runners, for example, the recommended daily salt intake is less than 2,300 milligrams.

Salt has been liked by various forms of diseases and conditions, such as high blood pressure and even dementia. In Therapy Today Magazine, Research Director Iain Ryrie said that “if people want to protect themselves against dementia, they should limit the amount of salt and saturated fat they eat and eat foods that contain essential B vitamins, Omega 3 and zinc.”

Sodium, found in salt, is the big culprit when it comes to these conditions. The current average intake of a person, approximately 3000-4500 mg / day of sodium, is very high, and is 2-3 times higher than the current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) of 1500 mg.

According to Matthew Kadey of Muscle & Fitness, “Between checking labels for fat grams and counting carbohydrates, who has time to think about sodium? You don’t need to obsess over sodium intake, but you should probably work on ways to reduce it in Your diet Here’s why: It is estimated that 25% of people with normal blood pressure and about 60% of people with high blood pressure are sensitive to salt, which means that as blood pressure increases If you eat salt, so does your blood pressure. If you are sensitive to salt, you may have a much higher risk of strokes and heart attacks, even though your blood pressure is normally normal. “

Kadey continues: “The sodium in salt can raise blood pressure in two ways. By causing the body to retain water, sodium increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure. Sodium also causes muscle contraction. smooth and constriction of small blood vessels, which is associated with increased resistance to blood flow. The common “cheat” day that is part of the diets of many fitness enthusiasts can produce a heart rate and blood pressure elevated in response to a sudden increase in sodium intake. “

“With excessive sodium intake, there is more to worry about than just high blood pressure. When you consume too much sodium, your body retains water to dilute the sodium concentration in your blood to a healthier level. As a result, you urinate less and bloating can occur. So next time your pants feel a little tight, think about the soup you had for lunch – a can of chicken noodle soup has 2690 mg of sodium! But you don’t want to go too far in Your Efforts to Avoid Sodium. The extreme sodium restriction often employed by fitness competitors and bodybuilders can result in the same water retention as the body struggles to retain sodium and, in turn, water. ” says Kadey.

So what is the difference between sodium and salt? Kadey says: “Sodium is an element that occurs naturally in various foods, and it is essential that we get something in our diet because it regulates the body’s fluid balance and blood pressure, helps muscles relax, and transports nutrients to the body. cells. Table salt (sodium chloride) consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride; one teaspoon contains 2300 mg of sodium. Sodium and salt are terms that are often used interchangeably. “

So when choosing your foods, read the labels and choose foods with 200 mg or less of sodium. Don’t just focus on reading the fat and carbohydrate content. Remove the salt shaker from the table and use as little salt as possible when cooking. Chances are, you’re already getting enough in your diet, regardless of how good or bad it is.

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