
(Mattress) Size matters

(Mattress) size matters!

Deciding the most suitable mattress size is not as easy as it sounds. There are actually a few factors to consider before committing to a new mattress. Here are five questions to ask yourself while shopping for size:

1. What is the space available for the mattress?

Consider where the bed will be placed: against a wall, in a corner or corner, or perhaps near the window? Also, consider such things as whether the bed will be placed near a closet or door, and whether these can be opened properly. It is always beneficial to know what the measurements and the layout of the room are. Do you need to consider enough space for bedside tables, a lined chest at the foot of the bed, or even the position of the bed according to your favorite feng shui principles?

two. Who (and how) will you share the bed?

It is critical to consider how much space you need / want while sleeping. If you share a bed with your partner, consider whether he / she sleeps all over the place or sleeps still or in the fetal position. You may need to make allowances for children and / or pets who enjoy snuggling with you. Remember: you don’t want to end up feeling tight, awkward, or uncomfortable while trying to relax (or sleep).

3. What are your sleeping habits?

If you sleep restless or restless, consider a larger mattress so that you have the space you need to sleep comfortably.

Four. Think about putting it in (-to your bedroom)

An often overlooked, but very important question is whether you will be able to get that new, perfect, luxurious bed right through your front door. Take note of the width of your bedroom door, hallway, stairs, and front door to make sure you don’t end up frustrated rather than excited.

5. The length of the limbs

If you or your partner are of medium or short stature, this point will be irrelevant, but many tall people will tell you about their endless struggles to get comfortable while their feet dangle over the edge of the bed. In this case, consider ordering an extra-long mattress or even a custom-made bed size.

6. What is your budget?

Price can often be an enigma. Do some research or talk to the store staff for advice on which bed is right for you and your budget.

Many people are unsure of the exact dimensions of the various bed sizes available at bed retailers. Ask the store sales consultants or just Google “bed sizes” and you will find many helpful resources.

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