Health Fitness

Kettlebell Conditioning for a Slim V-Shape Torso

If you’ve never exercised with a kettlebell, you’re missing out on one of the most effective fitness tools of all time. With a cheap and compact instrument like this, you can build the kind of body that women drive crazy. Kettlebell conditioning is one of the best ways to get much stronger and much healthier.

The four exercises you must learn

If you want to get the most out of these workouts, there are really only four exercises you need to master. These four will work every muscle in your body and ensure that you end up with a balanced physique that is irresistibly attractive and makes you look like the kind of man people don’t want to mess with.

These four exercises include:

  1. The swing

  2. The Turk gets up

  3. Cleaning and the press

  4. The rapture

Let’s take a quick look at each one and see how it fits into your program.

The swing

The swing is the first exercise everyone learns with kettlebells, and for good reason. This workout will target your lower body, developing the kind of strong glutes that women wish more men had. The swing consists of swinging a kettlebell from the middle of your legs out in front of you using fast and powerful movements similar to deadlifts.

The Turk gets up

The Turkish lift focuses the effort primarily on the upper body, building the kind of strong shoulders that are essential for a V-shaped torso. But it also works your core muscles, strengthening your six pack. With this exercise, you lie on the floor with a kettlebell held above you with one hand. Then you sit supported on one arm and proceed to stand up, while holding the weight above your head. Reverse this movement to complete one rep.

Cleaning and the press

This is a movement that is inspired by the classic Olympic lift of the same name. From the ground, you lift the weight up to your shoulders in a clean motion and then press it over your head. This move will engage your back muscles, building the slope of your V-shaped torso.

The rapture

Another lift based on the old school Olympic lift, the snatch is similar to the clean, but instead pulls the kettlebell above your head and locks your arm. This lift, along with the previous one, will burn fat due to its ability to make the body secrete HGH. This will help you achieve the defined abs that you are looking for.

The kettlebell conditioning plan

Getting in shape couldn’t be easier with these four exercises. In each workout, do three sets to fatigue yourself, disconnecting your arms as needed. Go through this routine 1-3 times a week and you’ll have a V-shaped torso in no time!

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