
Is an English bulldog the perfect dog for you?

Originally from England for hunting bulls and bears, the English Bulldog we know and love today is a far cry from its fierce ancestor.

Of course, they don’t rank high on the intelligence scale; But what they lack in looks and brainpower, they make up for in all the important qualities so important to a wonderful family pet. Ask any English Bulldog owner to describe their pet and what you hear will take you past that wrinkled, grumpy face and straight into their heart of gold.

Loyal, devoted, silly, clown, sensitive, gentle, faithful, relentless, playful, stubborn, docile, strong, patient, friendly, cuddly, loves people, loves children, wonderful, caring, a people dog, they are some of the words you will hear. Their gentle yet protective nature is what makes them so endearing.

Three traits that most English Bulldog owners really appreciate are how sensitive their dog is to their mood, be it silly or gloomy. Another quite unique quality is; Rare is an English Bulldog who strays from the owner or the home. For them, there is no other place they would rather be than with their family. Finally, the most important, because they are so patient, they are exceptionally great with children.

On the other hand, they drool, snort, grunt and gasp like champions! They’re messy eaters and drinkers too, so you’ll need to carry a towel on your shoulder for all that shlub. Being persistent and aggressive chewers, it is imperative to have plenty of safe chew items on hand.

Food is a priority for this eating machine. They can be possessive of food. It is imperative to train them while they are young, inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Watch your weight. Overweight dogs tend to have other health problems due to their weight.

English Bulldogs should be obedience trained and socialized as young as possible. They will never be the best of their obedience class. But, with lots of patience, fair, firm and consistent leadership on your part and don’t forget the treats, they will understand the basics of heel, sit, stay seated, focus, and go through positive reinforcement training methods. Playing tricks offends your sense of dignity. However, dressing up in ridiculous costumes and being the center of attention suits that goofy side of them.

They are about 15 inches tall and solid as a rock! Their ideal average weight is 50 to 60 pounds.

Think of them as sprinters, not endurance athletes. A good walk in the cool of the day or a little walk in a dog park and they will be ready to go home and cuddle. That makes them great apartment dogs. Not surprisingly, they are in the Non-sports group.

They love attention and persist in receiving it. Most are slow to mature, so you’ll enjoy their puppy-clown demeanor for a while.

It is important to note that they cannot swim … they sink like a rock! If you have a pool, or take them anywhere there is water, watch them like a hawk.

Being brachycephalic, they are prone to hypothermia and hyperthermia. Beware of extreme heat or cold; anyone can be fatal.

They are easy to fix, but require daily cleansing of the face and wrinkles with a damp cloth to be socially acceptable.

They have a good number of health problems, including: patellar luxation, hip dysplasia, heart problems, cancer, allergies, respiratory and skin problems,

They may also be predisposed to eye problems such as cataracts, poor eyesight, and cherry-colored eyes (protrusion of the lower eyelid).

Due to their wide skulls, 80% of puppies are born by cesarean section.

Its average life expectancy is 8 to 10 years.

Bottom line: do your homework. Learn all you can about the English Bulldog before giving your heart to him. They require a bit more work than some dogs. To show your appreciation, prepare to be the center of your universe. Stay away from the flea market, backyard breeders, and pet stores. Use only responsible and trustworthy breeders or visit your local shelters and rescues. Who knows, your new best friend may be waiting patiently for you.

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