Lifestyle Fashion

How to deal with long distance relationships

Long distance relationships are sometimes unavoidable. Many of us don’t like them, since the dealings with your partner are controlled by your partner. It is much more difficult to catch someone fooling you from a long distance than if you lived close to each other. There is a constant fear that you may meet someone new or be tempted by some slut in your area. And the contact between you is short and that is why you have a lot of time to imagine and fantasize about what could be happening without you. So how do you deal with a long distance relationship so that your love grows?

1. Agree on what you expect of each other. Assumption is the killer of many relationships. You both need to talk and agree on the type of relationship you have and what it entails. Is it just a casual relationship until you get back to town … and what does that mean? Is it okay for you to date other people and when you date is it with your long distance relationship in mind or as an available single woman? Is your long distance relationship unique so that you are emotionally and / or physically faithful to each other … but can you still go on casual dates? There are so many relationship possibilities that you must define yours and agree on what it is and what each of you should do. Do not assume that he wants the same things you do or that he feels what you are feeling or that he has the self-control that you do.

2. Agree on what breaks the relationship for each of you. You both feel that human beings and attractive people will be a part of your life until you die, so agree on what both of you cannot do in this relationship. If you do what is forbidden, does it mean that the relationship is over or that you are trying harder not to? Agree on what’s realistic for both of you so you don’t frustrate each other.

3. Agree on the type and frequency of your communication. Communication is key in a long distance relationship and both of you should commit to a regular communication schedule based on costs and your other commitments. There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing when they will speak next. So minimize it for yourselves by agreeing on how, when, and how often.

Relationships are built on trust and a long distance relationship often tests the trust you have in each other in new ways … but if handled correctly it can be a great trust builder for both of you. When you agree with these 3 key points, you will minimize mistrust in the long distance relationship.

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