Lifestyle Fashion

Easy orgasm control for men

Orgasm Control or simply known by its referred terms as “Surfing”, “Peaking” and “Edging”, is a distinctive form of sexual technique that involves maintaining higher levels of arousal for extended periods of time without reaching your average state of orgasm. Orgasm control is also known as “erotic sexual denial” if the orgasm does not reach its given period. Controlling a partner’s orgasm during sexual intercourse is often referred to as the “submissive” way of controlling orgasm. The “provocation and denial” form of sexual activity occurs when controlled orgasm is denied.

Based on the 1993 book titled “The New Joy of Sex” by Alex Comfort, orgasm control is also known as “Slow Masturbation”. Vera and Bodansky’s 2000 edition of Comfort’s best-selling book provided an expansion of studies on the effect of slow masturbation among men. In the 1999 book titled “The One Hour Orgasm” written by Bob and Leah Schwartz, slow masturbation resembles the traditional “Venus Butterfly” sexual technique.

Orgasm control is considered very essential to prolong the appearance of sexual loads during the accumulation of orgasm levels in the body. The physiological impact of controlling orgasm allows the person to induce his euphoric state of thought while having sexual intercourse. The consciousness that is generally perceived by the individual can create a great alteration after regulating the levels of orgasm in the body. Control of orgasm requires a degree of enhancement of the ability to stimulate. When a person takes control of their orgasm during sexual intercourse, the chances of acquiring fluidity in the stimulation of sexual loads increase.

Today, many people rely on the equivalence of orgasm control with masturbation. The act of masturbating to generate levels of orgasm is highly capable of controlling the duration of sexual stimulation activities. Masturbation is considered the easiest way for most people to begin to intensify control of their orgasm. Orgasm control is done effectively through self-learning or seeking help from a partner. “Self-stimulation” best exemplifies typical orgasm control.

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