Home Kitchen

Food preparation areas

We will use the term “prep areas” to refer to meal planning. After all, in most kitchens there are many more activities besides cooking. Here are some of the main job sections you can find. Manufacturing: The manufacturing area is where raw (or processed) food begins its journey to its final destination: the diner’s plate. […]

Home Kitchen

The ABC of ceramics

Ceramic can be delicate and decorative or unrefined and utilitarian. Bone china, china, stoneware, and earthenware—this month we’ll be looking at them all. How ceramics are made. Different types of stone are ground to a fine powder, mixed with water, and a paste is obtained. It is fired in a kiln (a kiln) at very […]

Home Kitchen

Pebble tiles: main advantages!

Pebble Tiles are decorative natural tiles made from hand-picked and sorted pebbles from the Indonesian island of Bali. This material beautifies floors and walls alike with its rich texture and decorative appearance. These elegant looking mosaic stones are made from polished pebble stones that are suitable for use in any room. This is exceptionally good […]