
Are you letting excuses keep you from becoming a top network marketer?

Things that are easy to do are easy not to do. In this article, I’m going to talk to you about excuses and how they may be holding you back from becoming a top network marketer.

We all have our moments when we don’t feel like doing certain things. We’re pros at making excuses for not doing these things, but the thing to remember is that being a pro at making excuses doesn’t pay the bills.
Two of the biggest excuses people have are the excuses that they don’t have enough time or money. These are easy excuses to use because they are often true in our current state, but they don’t have to stay that way.

I have no time

If you currently don’t have the time to build your business, it’s because you haven’t allocated the time to build your business. There are other things that are filling up your time that you could choose not to do, but choose to do instead. Many times these things are important things, but if you say you want to build a business, but don’t schedule it in your week, you’re not showing that you think it’s that important.

I don’t have the connections

Our capital in our network marketing businesses is our connections, and often people think they don’t have the right connections. Even if this is true, we all have the same access to everyone and if we have enough resources, we will be able to contact that person.


Whatever excuses are holding you back, you need to give them up and take action. Excuses don’t help you get what you want, so drop them and work steadily towards your goals.

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